child-using-braille-read (1)

Braille translation services

Braille is available in nearly every language and is used all over the world. It can take different forms: the most common technique for displaying Braille is to have it embossed on paper or signage but audio files and electronic braille are becoming increasingly popular. 

Whether you are a business or a public organisation, there is a growing need to provide accessible materials to visually impaired people to comply with the current regulations. Furthermore, providing alternative format documents, such as large prints, shows your commitment to everyone. If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!

At Ampere Translations we assist individuals, businesses and the public sector with Braille translation services in multiple languages, covering a wide range of documents and sectors including training, e-learning and life sciences. 

Get in touch today about your Braille project.

Braille transcription services

You can create braille versions of your written materials, including menus, textbooks or legal documents using our transcription services, available in two different formats: uncontracted and contracted braille. 

Our professional braille transcribers convert the text and document layout to their corresponding braille character equivalent using innovative tools and software that turns the time-consuming, manual process of document transcription into a faster and more accurate one. 

The braille version of the file can then be used 

  • for embossing to produce a large printed copy, 
  • for recording an audio file,
  • or for reading on an electronic device. 

Large print 

Large print is a common braille format that enables people with blindness and visual impairments to read your policies, training materials or legal documentation, to name just a few examples, in modified large print materials

Our team of braille professionals transcribe and reformat the content to provide the best layout for reading. We have the expertise and technology needed to convert electronic and printed documents into accessible large print in multiple languages.


Audio files are a convenient way for blind and visually impaired people to access information and have the added benefit of accommodating the needs of individuals with low or no literacy skills. Audio is often used in theatres, museums and publishing companies, as well as other businesses. 

We can record your files in multiple languages using a voice talent or via text-to-speech technology – a more cost-effective alternative to using a voice talent – and deliver the audio documents as an MP3 file, WAV file, Audio CD or on a flash drive. 

Electronic braille

Electronic braille consists of a computer file containing a document in braille format and allows you to store and retrieve combinations of braille dots in the same way that you can store and retrieve combinations of letters and numbers in a regular text file. This technique eliminates the need for embossing or for further conversion into braille.

The team at Ampere Translations usually work with BRF files (Braille Ready Format) that can be read on electronic devices such as notetakers and braille displays and are also ready to emboss hard copy versions of braille documents if wanted. 

We work in the following sectors 

  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Education
  • Legal
  • Workplaces
  • Government
  • Tourism

Our braille translation process

  • We ask you to send us your files electronically
  • Our experienced transcribers process your content quickly and accurately
  • Your document is checked for quality assurance
  • The content is printed, audio recorded or saved in the appropriate format  
  • We send you the derivable

Request a quote

Get in touch today about your braille project.